Where oh where has the last 8 years gone? I remember feeling scared about this new venture I was about to take...becoming a Mom. Wondering to myself how will I ever know when to feed you, how to care for you and simply how to love you. It is amazing how natural mothering just becomes, somehow that motherly instinct finds its way out and it all works out.
All ready in 2nd grade and how you've already become a star student. With constant reminders from your teacher to raise your hand and give others a chance to talk, it kinda makes me proud to know you are so eager to learn. Keep it up my love, but be sure to give others a chance to answer questions too. Aside from school your second love is sports of course. Often times I think you know more about sports that your own Dad. I can't wait for the summer to be sitting in the stands cheering on my favorite baseball player.
Motherhood was such a breeze the first time around that it only seemed fitting that we try it again.
5 1/2 years old you are my second wonderful son. It is fun to watch how different you are from your brother. Michael the out going one talking to kids at parks trying to make new friends with everyone and you a shy timid little man not wanting to leave your mothers side. This year you are in kindergarten next year you move on to full day first grade. You enjoy spending time doing TONS of coloring projects and of course Lego's. I love to see what new creations you can come up with.
A girl? That can't be, I don't know anything about girls. As of mom of 2 boys hearing those words you are a girl at first sounded scary because all I had known was boys, but quickly that scared feeling changed to excitement. Finally a little girl to dress up! You were for sure the hardest baby compared to the boys. Never wanting to be put down, wanting to eat every hour at night, but some how we made it thru. You have grown into a beautiful little 3 year old and still have those little tantrums you had as a baby, but hey you wouldn't be our Sassy Sissy with out them. You enjoy watching your big brothers get on the bus every morning for school, maybe because you know its girl time then. You do your best to keep up with those brothers of yours always following right behind them. It never seems to bother you to play star wars or baseball, as long as they include you, you are thrilled!
Finally our family is complete. 2 boys, 2 girls what more could I ask for? 18 months old you are right now. An easy little baby you were for your mom, but a busy little toddler you have become. Getting into this and getting into that good grief some days its hard to keep up with you. You have no fear climbing into your own highchair or up to your brothers top bunk bed. I just hope I can manage to keep you safe! You aren't yet talking, but have no problem getting your point across. Soon enough you'll be talking up a storm just like the rest.