There is nothing that I love more than a night at home curled up under blankets and watching movies with my loves.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Pie time
Last week the scouts had their big joint meeting of the month. The kids were all excited since this was the meeting they were going to get to throw pies in the leaders face, that is if they sold enough popcorn.
Each troop got up and shared what they had been working on over the last month. Badges were awarded for the things they had accomplished.
When everyone was on their seats the fun was ready to begin.
This boy had no problem throwing a pie in his leaders face, the wind up and swing were impressive.
This boy was much gentler than his big brother.
Round 2
I am loving this new adventure of Boy scouts and so far the boys seem to be enjoying it too. I know they are looking forward to painting and making the derby cars for the next big event.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Holiday Prep!
What do you do the day after stuffing your belly with turkey?
On this cold and windy day we opted to stay home and lounge in PJ's all day. We watched movie after movie after movie all cuddled up on the couch with plenty of blankets.
But being the busy body that I am, I insisted that we get at least one thing done today. So when the girls laid down for their nap Steve, the boys and I got to work getting the tree up and hanging some decorations. The boys worked hard at separating all the ornaments into every one's own pile.
The girls we so excited when they woke up to find the tree and decorations up. We made sure not to hang any ornaments until they could do it with us. Oh how hard it was for Landon to wait for them to rise, I think he asked at least ten times, can we hang them yet???
3 years ago I opted to forgo my fancy tree and turn it into the kids tree. Saint Nick has brought the kids a new ornament for the tree every year since then. I can't help but laugh when I think back of how bare the tree looked when we first switched the tree over to just their ornaments. We still have PLENTY of open spots on the tree again this year, but the joy they get out of looking at and picking through which ornaments are their own is priceless.
Our stocking are hung by the chimney with care in hopes that St Nick will soon be here...
Monday, November 12, 2012
Girly Girls
I am so excited to have little girly girls in the house!
I was getting nervous due to the fact that Mackenzie was enjoying following the boys and playing star wars and other make believe boy games.
But lately she has shown a big interest in dresses and lipstick and all things girly. So I pulled out some bright colored nail polish the other day and set out to make them girly. Oh how they loved getting their nails painted.
Even this girl sat long enough to put a coat of paint on her ever so tiny nails. Oh how cute it they looked when all done!
Myself coming from a house of 3 sisters. I am looking forward to the amazing bond I hope they too will one day share as I do with my lovely sisters. Just this weekend I was able to get away for the day and share in nonstop giggles and sisterly chats with my sisters and Mom.
I am looking forward to the fun shopping trips with my girls and giggle fests that we too will soon enough share.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Ahhhhh!!!! Run there's a monster in the house!
Don't let her catch you!
If only I had video taped it so you could hear Lainey trying to be scary.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Best $4 dollars spent
The kids claimed they were bored last night and had nothing to do. Not for long! I remembered I had picked up a pack of these glowing balloons awhile back and kept them hidden for a special occasion. So last night I pulled them out and said have fun!
Down to the basement they went to plan out their "show" and once they were ready they called me down to watch.
And away they went running back and forth and all around giggling like crazy kids.
Guess who's not bored anymore :)
Friday, November 2, 2012
Happy Halloween
We began our Halloween with a little pumpkin gutting followed by some carving.
Michael is the only one I trust with a knife, or pumpkin knife that is, so he was allowed to cut the face on Lainey's pumpkin. The others got to pick the designs they wanted me to cutout on their pumpkins.
When the pumpkins were done we quickly got ourselves dressed and headed out the door to get some treats.
This year I splurged and got the boys some fancy Star wars costumes. I was ok with the price since I knew my boys would be wanting to wear them more than just Halloween day. They LOVE their dress up bin and these make a great addition to it.
I wasn't to happy however when the costume that came for Landon was WAY TOO BIG! They clearly messed up in packaging and put an adult costume in the package marked for kids. So another costume was quickly reorder in his size again and luckily enough for him it came the day before trick or treat and the right size.
So now what do I do with the adult size you ask. Well we make Dad wear it. He truly was a great sport and we didn't have to do much begging at all. Maybe because he could hide behind the mask :)
Candy action!
By the end of trick or treat Mackenzie was done and refused to get in on the group picture, so here they all are in costume, minus Mackenzie.
I hope you had a great Halloween!
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