Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine our little school district would receive a bomb threat.
Well it happened at 5:30 last night mine and Steve's cell phone both rang. We answered and listen to the same message. At 2:30 yesterday afternoon a note was found in a girls bathroom at the high school stating that there was a bomb in the school. The message assured us that the authorities had been notified and were currently at the school with bomb sniffing dogs checking everything over. Students that arrived at school today would have their back packs checked. And as of the time of the call, nothing concerning had been found.
What! A bomb where I feel my kids are safe.
Our school has always had safety measures in place long before the most recent shooting. And I know they followed them from experience. Several times in the past I have gone to the school during school hours and parked closest to the boys classroom hoping to run in and out quick. Every time I come across a locked door forcing me to run to the main entrance. Irked I admit I was at first, but now I am EXTREMELY grateful I had those few runs ins and know those doors ARE locked all the time once school starts. They have since locked the main doors that allowed you to walk right into the cafeteria, now you must walk into the office to be checked in before getting into the cafeteria and school. Again, relieved these procedures are in place.
So the question of the morning was, do I send the boys, or keep them home to be sure all is safe. After reading though some posts on a social networking site I felt better about sending them to school today. A good point was made that today they would be the safest with teachers on high alert and the authorities on site.
To the bus stop we went. I chatting with the moms and the kids playing like any other day. "We have to have faith in God that all will be ok today." One of the moms said this morning. And with that said we all waved good bye to our little men and I'm almost certain said a quick prayer that they returned later.
At 4pm like clock work, my 2 little men got off that bus, again just like any other day.
As grateful as I am that we received that call that kept us in the loop as to what happened yesterday. I wished there would have been another call that went out this morning to let us know that still nothing had turned up. At this time we haven't heard anything else, but i'm sure a letter home will be headed our way soon.
After extras hugs and kisses the kids were tucked safe and tight in their beds.