Thursday, August 29, 2013

Ice cream social

What do you do on the last few hot days of summer??
We invite our friends over some ice cream sundaes.
The goodies are laid out and the kids go to town filling up their cups with their goodies of choice.

And then we enjoy EVERY.LAST.DROP.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Vinny & Sophia

Saturday we headed up to my sister's house for Vinny & Sophia's joint birthday party. The weather was PERFECT for some outdoor fun!

The slip and slide was set up, and the kids spent hours sliding down that thing! It wasn't until it started to turn into a mud pit that we HAD to make them stop.

Miss Sophie is OBSESSED with frogs, and when she opened this silly little bath toy she instantly forgot about all the other presents. She held onto these 3 new friends

Such a cutie my sweet god daughter is!

 I couldn't decide which picture I liked better, so instead you get both.

In between sliding down the slip and slide and riding bikes, they made time to stop for a minute and enjoy some cake and ice cream.

Happy Birthday Vinny  Sophia, we can't wait to help you celebrate it again next year!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Random Lake

Such a beautiful day it was out today, so why not enjoy it at the beach! We met up with my coworker and her three beauties at Random Lake beach. The kids stayed busy the ENTIRE 4 hours we were there. This has to be a first for the summer. Generally I have at least one kid at my side crying they are board and want to go home. But today they kept busy swimming, digging sand, filling holes with water and searching for sea shells. 

It was great, I was able to enjoy myself and have some great mommy chat time with my friend. I got so involved in our chats I forgot to put my own sunblock on and now am looking a little like a tomato.

Michael kept everyone entertained in between sand and water time with the fish he was catching. I was not feeling very confident that he would even get a bite since we forgot worms. But to all of our surprise those little fish were hungry enough for our sting cheese.

In all the 3 older kids caught a total of 14 fish!! By simply standing at the edge of the pier and dangling the line in.

Here are the very first 2 fish they caught.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Brewers game

My parents had gotten free Brewer tickets so they asked our clan if we would liked to join them. Of course the answer was yes, so off to the game we went on Thursday night.

Yep that's us at the VERY top of Miller Park, but hey we were there, so we can't complain.

And lucky for Lainey we had seats close to Bernie Brewer so she could keep a close eye on him.

Michael has no problem sitting through the whole game, but the littles tend to get a little restless. So we sit and watch a few innings then head over to the little park they have inside and then try to head back to our seats in time for the sausage races. Unfortunately a bathroom break on the way back held us up so we missed the races :(

Normally Landon and Mackenzie are at each others throat, but tonight they were the best of buds. I sure do LOVE moments like this!

They watched the last few inning of the game so intently, hoping our team could pull out a win. But to our disappointment they couldn't get it down.

But that's ok, win or not we had a great time anyways!

Friday, August 16, 2013

National Night Out

It was that time again for the National Night out in Saukville. It is a great event that is thrown by local law enforcement's. Kids are able to climb in the cars and get up and close to the police officers. There are also jumping houses to climb through and jump in. But the best part is checking grandpa out in his police reserves gear.

So we headed down, got in line for our hot dogs and chips and got our grub on before checking out the gear.

This year they had these little bikes to ride around in the tennis courts. So to the line we went so the kids could get their speed on. That Mackenzie sure had some speed in those legs!

The boys jumped at the chance to try the gear on, and boy are those bullet proof jackets HEAVY!

We ended the evening with one final picture of our favorite police reserve!

 Mackenzie, having a little fit, opted not to be in the picture. Oh well, there's always next year!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Silence is over...

The boys got to head away for a long weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Krocka this weekend. They left Thursday night for a weekend of ATVing and returned last night.
It is amazing how much quieter my house is with only 2 little girls. They played so nice together, without being interrupted by big brothers trying to pick fights with them.
I think Steve and I both secretly enjoyed the extra little quiet/bonding time with the girls, but on the other hand still felt a little lost without our little men.
They were so excited to spill everything they could once they walked through the door. I can't wait to go through their photos with them and checkout how well they photographed their weekend away.
Stayed tuned for their pics!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Camp Rokilio

So I fell behind on posting about boy scout camp, so here it is better late then never. Michael did fantastic, no calls saying he was homesick, he was super excited when he got home talking about all the fun things he did. He was not too happy that there was spiders in the tents and bathrooms, but overall had a great time and said he'd go back! Yeah!
Landon also did GREAT! I was so worried about him from the moment I dropped him off to the moment I picked him up. I think the hardest part was not being able to just give him a call and say hey how are you? I did receive one email Thursday night around 10:30 pm saying he had a moment of homesickness. He shed a few tears, but after one of the Dads chatted with him, he felt better and stayed.
Friday evening we were able to have dinner with Landon. We first joined them at the flag ceremony.
 (Landon 2nd from right)
And then headed over to dinner. After dinner we headed back to camp for a campfire. The boys had the option to go home with their parents after the campfire of stay the last night. I thought for sure Landon was going to come home. But after a few tears he insisted on staying. I questioned him and again said, you can come home, but he said no he had to stay to get his badge, and that he did.
This is the Fort cabin that Landon stayed in. The boys all slept in one room with about 12 bunk beds and there was a regular bathroom, so that had it pretty easy :)

Landon took us for a walk around the camp to check out the other cabins. It was cute to listen to him tell us the rules as we were walking around, no picking up sticks/rocks, no running and no going up to other cabins. So when Grandpa wanted to get a closer look Landon gave us a stern NO, and we had to reassure him it was ok to get close and look since it was parents night.

The space station


The train station

And I can't believe I forgot to take a picture of the Kohler Castle, oh well, maybe they'll get to sleep in that one next year :)
I did give both the boys disposable cameras to capture their few days away, so once I get those developed I'll be sure to post them. That is, if any them are worth posting ;)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Tractor Train

How do you keep 6 kids entertained while camping? 
Well that's easy, you make a tractor train.

And then you take them on countless rides around the campsite.

Choo Choo!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Harrington State Park

On our way home from the fair yesterday I commented to Steve how it would be nice if he had the day off again on Friday. Well to my surprise when I woke up today he was still in bed! I panicked and thought he had over slept, then he informed me he had called and asked for another vacation day, YEAH!

So we ventured over to Harrington Park, but this time to hit up the trail, not the beach. 

We headed to the Quarry, which none of us had been before and took a nice stroll around the whole quarry.

The kids loved trying to spot fish in the shallow water close to the edge, I panicked and prayed that none of them would fall in.

We had a successful walk, and left the park with all dry kids!

While on our walk we passed several bikers and Steve thought, why don't we come back later and ride our bikes on the bike path. All the kids agreed that would be fun. So we left the park to run some errands and let Lainey get her nap in.

I later packed us up a picnic and we headed back to the park to get our riding on.

I was most surprised with Mackenzie who hopped right on the back of my bike with no fear at all! We biked for a good 2 miles before taking a break to try out the water pump and eat our dinner. And then hopped back on the bikes for the 2 mile bike ride back.

The boys did FANTASTIC, not one complaint, they made it the whole ride and loved it. The kids also loved watching for critters on our trek. We saw a total of 7 deer and 8 bunnies!

Now everyone wants to know, where can we ride next?