So I deserve the bad mother of the year award. I didn't pack swim suit because A) I didn't think it would be that warm and B) I didn't think they would want to go in the ICE cold water.
Well I was wrong, thank goodness there is a Walmart 10 minutes up the road so I could get some suits and towels. They spent ALL day on Saturday in the lake! Less learned ALWAYS bring suits, kids don't mind the freezing cold water ;)
Meet Michael, the fish whisper. For the last 2 years he has sat at the waters edge, net in hand watching the carp swim at the lakes edge. Well he finally managed to catch one in the net, without a fishing pole! Looks like we'll know where to find him this summer.
Thanks to ALL the fallen down sticks we had to clean up, the campfire on Saturday night was HUGE!
There is nothing better than a Sunday afternoon nap on a lawn chair :) Gotta love that fresh air!
Our fire on night 2 wasn't nearly as big, but that made it easy to enjoy a movie by the fire.
Grandpa and Grandma were just at Disneyland. They picked up the kids some maps so they could plan out our trip ahead of time ;)
These kept them quiet for awhile on our ride home from the island.