Saturday, February 20, 2016

12th Birthday Party time!

Asking 12 boys to smile nice for 1 picture is like asking a baby to stop crying. Well I didn't get that perfect picture, but at least the boys had a great time!

Happy 12th Birthday Michael! 

Friday, February 19, 2016

WOW! 12 already!

12 years ago I was blessed with the honor of being a Mom. I can remember the fear as I left the hospital thinking, this little baby is mine, how am I going to know what to do. They are right when they say your mother instance will kick in! Somehow I just knew what to do as the days went on. Today we celebrate my first little loves birthday! This boy has a love for sports like know other, the sports facts he spurts off just blows my mind as to how much he knows. He loves his baseball, football and basketball and would play from sun up to sun down if he could and I enjoy every minute of watching him play! He has a heart of gold and is willing to help with siblings whenever I need it. I am truly blessed to be his mother!

Happy 12th Birthday Michael!

Saturday, February 13, 2016


 When your raising a sports fanatic, that usually means lots of sporing events! This is the first year Micheal has decided to plan basketball. That means every Saturday we spend watching him play. His first few games you could tell he wasn't too confident in his game. He held back from shooting and even hung back from the action. 

But as the season has gone on, you can see his change in confidence. He's no longer to take a shot when he has the opportunity and he is not afraid to get right into the game!

Not gonna lie, I'm going to be sad when the season is over, I'm not sure what I will do on my Saturdays.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Disney on Ice

The girls and I took advantage of a recent girl scouts event and enjoyed a girls night out together. 

I feel blessed to have been able to take this special little outing with my girls and I think we all agree, we need to do them more often!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Derby Time!

Its that time of year again for the Boy-scouts to get creative and bring their creativity to life for the Derby car races!

Mr Landon as usual. likes to wait til the last minute to get his car done, but I think it turned out great! In the past years he's always done a car shape, but this year he opted to do a truck.

And he seemed to have better luck this year with his car. He came in 2nd place for his den!