The morning started out wet, cold and rainy. But that wasn't going to slow us down. With everything loaded and the kids all ready to go, away we went to camp in the rain. 45 minutes of the ride had us driving through nonstop rain. I must admit I was getting nervous to have to spend the day in the rain so we made 1 final stop at a Walmart for some last minute rain jackets. I rain through the pouring rain into the store, and upon my return to the car I was so excited to find the rain had stopped and the clouds were clearing allowing the warm sun to peak through. Whoo Hoo!
Excitement ran wild throughout the truck as we pulled into the boat launch....finally the return to camping has arrived! Much of Saturday was spent cleaning up the ever so lovely mouse droppings from our cabin, picking up sticks left scattered about from the long winter months and simply just getting things unpacked for the summer weekends ahead.
We only had 1 more small episode of rain Saturday night around bedtime, but that just made it easier for me to get the kids gathered into the cabin to call it a night.
We woke up Sunday morning to warmth and sunshine and it didn't take long for the kids to start begging to go into the lake. After much reassurance we explained to them that there would be plenty of time to swim their hearts out.
I love that we brought this little pool out a few years ago, it made for countless hours of fun going down the slide and a Mom who was able to watch from the comfort of a lawn chair!
The water was still ICE cold, but that didn't seem to phase anyone, nor stop them from taking a few crazy jumps off the end of the pier!
The rest of the weekend was spent pushing Lainey and my niece Sophia on the swings. Oh how those girls love to swing. So much in fact that we got a few pouty looks when we tried to get them out.
I feel so blessed to have such an amazing Dad that is so patient and willing to spend countless hours at the end of the pier helping the kids catch fish after fish after fish.
I'm so grateful for this little barn that always provides my little loves shade while we pull the boat out of the water. I'm even more grateful for the little loves that remember every year to immediately head to this spot upon exiting the boat to wait for mom and dad.
Till next time time my loves. I can't wait to capture more moments from my constantly growing children!