For Christmas my mother in law gave Landon a kit to grow his own frogs. While most parents would be turned off by this idea I will admit I was excited for it. I don't know about your kids, but mine have an OVERABUNDANCE of toys. Much of that is due to their own mother spoiling them, so when he got something other than a toy I was ecstatic!
The kit came with everything but the tadpoles which we had to order. 1 came free, but since this was new to us I order an extra in case something happened to one of them. Then we waited 2 long months for our friends to arrive. Due to the winter months they couldn't be shipped out until it got warmer.

(picture taken 3/24)
At the end of March we received a package with a small bottle that contained our new friends. And thus began the waiting and waiting and waiting for changes to start happening.
During that time 1 of the tadpoles began to start floating upside down. I kept him in the tank basically waiting for him to pass so I could remove him, but after 1 week of this behavior and he was still alive, he remained. Over the next week I noticed the active tadpole was taking on these same weird characteristics, and in a panic, not wanting them both to die I quarantined the sicker of the 2 to a separate tank. The remaining one quickly bounced back and is now doing great. The sick one is still alive and always laying upside down in his separate tank.
(picture taken 5/16)
After just under 2 months of waiting we finally sprouted 2 back legs!
(picture taken 5/28)
Then this past weekend we went out of town for 3 days and came home to 2 new front legs. I was SHOCKED to see those new legs grow so fast. Even looking at him now a week later he has changed so much.
The time leading up to his changes had taken so long and now the changes are fun to watch happen right before our eyes!
As for his friend he is still alive, and slowly going through the changing process. He has only grown very small back legs, so we shall see what happens with this little friend.
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