Sunday, April 14, 2013

Scotch Doubles

 The boy scouts had their annual scotch doubles bowling tournament and the boys got to put bowling skills to use.

Off the to the local bowling alley they went. Michael partnered up with Steve and Landon with one of the Den Leaders, since I had to stay home with napping girls.

Steve and Michael did rather well, they placed 2nd. They even did better than one of the Dads that is on a regular bowling league. Way to go Guys!

(one trophy for 2nd and one for good spirit)

Next year we'll have to make sure to invite Grandpa Krocka, who was a little bummed we didn't tell him. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Never Ending Baskets

Except for the look of one little boy, I'd say they were all happy little kids on Easter morning. 

As always they were spoiled with WAY too much candy. It has all been
combined into one basket each and stored away in a locked cabinet in the basement. The girls seem to have completely forgotten about it, but the boys have made their morning trip down with me in  tow to unlock the cabinet so they pack 1 piece for their lunch box.

Since I forgot my camera, this cell phone picture of all of them will have to do.

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Prep

Friday afternoon we put our egg coloring skills to use and made some wonderfully colored eggs.
I found these neat egg scissors to help with our egg dipping. They worked great, way better than spoons or dropping the eggs into the cup and causing a splash. To my surprise even Lainey had an easy time with them.

Oops, I forgot to take a picture of the finished eggs :( But the cheesy smile to the left should make up for it!
Saturday morning we went to visit the Easter bunny and an egg hunt. As usual these we the only 2 brave soles to go sit by the bunny.
The last 3 years I've taken the kids to the Saukville egg hunt, or shall I call it candy hunt.

              They make out GOOD!

Michael and Mackenzie were so fast that they managed to get their hands on a plastic egg that allowed them to go to the prize table to pick out a gift.