Monday, November 24, 2014

Boy scouts camp fire

Before the weather got cold, we were able to have one last fire for the year. One of the local farmers was gracious to allow us his land for the fire. Before we got taxied down to the fire, Miss Lainey had to get a picture with Smokey the Bear.

Smokey arrived in this super cool old fire truck! 

Every one's on and ready for the Hay ride to the fire!

The boys getting a quick speech from Smokey the Bear. 

Fire time.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Briggs and Al Walk

Back in September we did our annual walk for the Briggs and Al walk. This year we had to split up since Michael also had a football game on the same day. The girls got their walking on, while the boys got their football on. 

My outgoing Lainey of course had to get her picture taken with everyone she could. Mackenzie on the other hand was too shy to stand with her. 

The sea of people is always a site to see!

Lainey catching a ride from her new best buddy!

The weather was perfect for the walk and it was another great walk for a great cause!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Happy Birthday Lainey

Lainey's 4th birthday has come and gone, but its not to late to share the fun!

We had a table set up for voting for the best costume. We were so excited to see several people had dressed up in fun costumes.

While parties are a lot of work to put together I must say I do enjoy throwing them. I especially love once its all put together how fun everything looks. 

The moment that every little kid waits for, gift opening!

Lainey and her pumpkin cake :)

A few of the costumes...

           Mrs. Brian Braun & Football player                                            PB & J

                              Micheal Myers & The Reaper                                      Clay Matthews & Packer fan

After the party we headed out with some of our party goers to do a little trick or treating!

Happy 4th Birthday Lainey!

Friday, November 7, 2014

So long beautiful hair...

A mothers worst nightmare took place in my house last Saturday. While I was at work the girls were playing in their bedroom with a scissors. There was no fighting going on, so Steve thought, why check on them. 

Well he now knows anytime it is to quiet he NEEDS to check on them. 

If there is 1 thing my girls have been blessed with, its beautiful hair. Well for whatever reason, Mackenzie thought it would be a good idea to take a few snips from her head. So her hair went from this....

To this...

Yes I admit my initial response was to yell and question why did she does this, but of course she's only 6 and she had no answers. So they only thing we can do is chuckle over her new mullet cut and patiently wait for it to grow back in. 

Became in the end it is only hair, but it sure will be a great story to tell for years to come!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Helium Trampoline park

Pumpkin Carving

Pumpkin carving has come and gone, but its never to late to post about it, right!?

I love that the kids are getting bigger and more independent. This year I was able to cut the tops off and let them scoop our their own pumpkins.

Landon did a great job cutting out his own pumpkin face. Mackenzie started hers and just need a little touch up from me. And well, Lainey still needs my help, but it was nice to only have to do 1 and not 4 ;)

Micheal just wasn't in to the whole pumpkin carving this year, so I asked if he would be be willing to just drill some holes in his pumpkin, he was all for trying out Steve's power tools.

It was super easy and quick for him to do, but yet VERY messy. So next year if we do this simple design again, I'll be setting him up outside to do it ;)

Their finished pumpkins