Wednesday, February 19, 2014

So long single digits, hello double digits!

I swear it was just yesterday that I was begging my Doctor to just induce my labor because I was done being pregnant. And then sitting in that hospital room thinking to myself am I really ready for this! I know nothing about being a mother and taking care of a baby.

But before long this little red headed beauty was cuddled tight in my arms and the word Motherhood that I was so afraid of was easily unfolding in front of me.

Such an amazing little man he is turning out to be. Always ready to lend a hand with his siblings when his Mom is hollering for help ;)

Happy 10th Birthday Michael!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Happy 5th Birthday Mackenzie

And then she was 5


I explained to Mackenzie that we wouldn't be having big birthday parties this year because of our plans to go to Disney. At first she was fine with that, until 2 day before her birthday then she started questioning who was coming. I again reminded her it would be just us. "That's it", was her reply. So then I started feeling guilty and called my Parents for back up and of course they agreed to come over for dinner and cake.

She dressed herself in her prettiest party dress and waited all day for the little party to start.

She seemed to really enjoy her quiet little party even though it was just us and my parents.

The gift that won the show was by far the bike. She is just itching for the weather to get nicer so she can take that bike for a ride somewhere other than the kitchen floor.

Happy 5th Birthday  my little Mack, I'm looking forward to the fun thing being 5 has to offer!