Sunday, April 29, 2012


Today we celebrated as Michael received his 1st communion. How handsome he looked in his little suit and how grown up he is becoming. I was a little late in signing him up for class, so late in fact that the teacher told me if he missed even 1 class, he wouldn't be able to participate in the ceremony. WOW I thought, this is even more serious than I imagined. I assured the teacher that he would not miss any classes and so began the journey to his 1st communion.

A smiling boy, made a smiling mom.

After only one day of practice the day before the big event, they all did well remembering when to get up, where they needed to stand and when they needed to go back to their seats again.

By far my most favorite picture of the day was my 2 boys. Landon was so proud of his big brother he even wanted to dress up like him. I can only hope this bond that they share now will keep them close together in the years to come so they can enjoy many new things together.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

No more highchairs for this family

After 8 years we have officially become a highchair free family. We recently bought a bigger table in anticipation of this day, but really weren't expecting it just yet. In fact I kinda liked the highchair for Miss Lainey, as once I strapped her in the 5 point harness I knew she was safe in there for a few minutes while I caught up on dishes and she stayed put to eat. (Yes she needed the strap otherwise she liked to try to escape, which was too unsafe for her) The last few days she has become OBESSED with climbing in the highchair by herself just to play with the straps and  try to buckle herself in. I couldn't figure out how she got in til I sat and watched her. That smart little 18 month old would slide a kitchen chair over to the highchair to climb on and then get into the highchair. That was the moment I said enough of that. So today we took a trip to the store to find a booster seat and got it all ready for dinner tonight. I must confess I was extremely nevous as to how dinner would go, would food be on the floor, would she stay in the chair?

 Today was also the first day she got food on a plate, which I thought for sure would ALL end up on the floor, but not once did she even make an attempt to toss it down. As always we moms get so worked up over something so silly and in the end it works out just fine.

So thank you Lainey Bug for making this transtion so easy on your mom.
Welcome to the big table my Love!

Monday, April 23, 2012

My Loves


Where oh where has the last 8 years gone? I remember feeling scared about this new venture I was about to take...becoming a Mom. Wondering to myself how will I ever know when to feed you, how to care for you and simply how to love you. It is amazing how natural mothering just becomes, somehow that motherly instinct finds its way out and it all works out.

All ready in 2nd grade and how you've already become a star student. With constant reminders from your teacher to raise your hand and give others a chance to talk, it kinda makes me proud to know you are so eager to learn. Keep it up my love, but be sure to give others a chance to answer questions too. Aside from school your second love is sports of course. Often times I think you know more about sports that your own Dad. I can't wait for the summer to be sitting in the stands cheering on my favorite baseball player.


Motherhood was such a breeze the first time around that it only seemed fitting that we try it again.
 5 1/2 years old you are my second wonderful son. It is fun to watch how different you are from your brother. Michael the out going one talking to kids at parks trying to make new friends with everyone and you a shy timid little man not wanting to leave your mothers side. This year you are in kindergarten next year you move on to full day first grade. You enjoy spending time doing TONS of coloring projects and of course Lego's. I love to see what new creations you can come up with.


A girl? That can't be, I don't know anything about girls. As of mom of 2 boys hearing those words you are a girl at first sounded scary because all I had known was boys, but quickly that scared feeling changed to excitement. Finally a little girl to dress up!  You were for sure the hardest baby compared to the boys. Never wanting to be put down, wanting to eat every hour at night, but some how we made it thru. You have grown into a beautiful little 3 year old and still have those little tantrums you had as a baby, but hey you wouldn't be our Sassy Sissy with out them.  You enjoy watching your big brothers get on the bus every morning for school, maybe because you know its girl time then. You do your best to keep up with those brothers of yours always following right behind them. It never seems to bother you to play star wars or baseball, as long as they include you, you are thrilled!


Finally our family is complete. 2 boys, 2 girls what more could I ask for? 18 months old you are right now. An easy little baby you were for your mom, but a busy little toddler you have become. Getting into this and getting into that good grief some days its hard to keep up with you. You have no fear climbing into your own highchair or up to your brothers top bunk bed. I just hope I can manage to keep you safe! You aren't yet talking, but have no problem getting your point across. Soon enough you'll be talking up a storm just like the rest.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 1 Blogging

Well here we go. I've been wanting for a long time to give this blogging world a try, but kept saying tomorrow I'll do it. Here it is now a year later and I am finally going to give it whirl. I've been horrible at keeping up with my kids baby books and heard a cousin mention blogging as a way to keep tabs of the little everyday things that her kids do. She said its a great thing for them look back at when they are older and print up if they want. I thought wow that is a great idea! She is great at blogging almost everyday. I'm not sure I'll be that great, but here we go.

So to my four amazing loves your Mommy has officially begun this thing called blogging in hopes to help you remember all little things you have from now accomplished in your busy years to come.
