Monday, November 12, 2012

Girly Girls

I am so excited to have little girly girls in the house!
 I was getting nervous due to the fact that Mackenzie was enjoying following the boys and playing star wars and other make believe boy games.
But lately she has shown a big interest in dresses and lipstick and all things girly. So I pulled out some bright colored nail polish the other day and set out to make them girly. Oh how they loved getting their nails painted.
Even this girl sat long enough to put a coat of paint on her ever so tiny nails. Oh how cute it they looked when all done!
Myself coming from a house of 3 sisters. I am looking forward to the amazing bond I hope they too will one day share as I do with my lovely sisters. Just this weekend I was able to get away for the day and share in nonstop giggles and sisterly chats with my sisters and Mom.

I am looking forward to the fun shopping trips with my girls and giggle fests  that we too will soon enough share.

1 comment:

  1. I need to do this with Syd. I meant to do her toes this summer. dang. Thanks for the reminder.
